Monday, 2 June 2014

Report of Inspection of Heworth Burn/Commemoration Park on 2nd June 2014 by Jon Bratton, Vice Chairman

Traffic Cones

There are five traffic cones in the burn and one on the bank

BarriersThere's a couple of barriers lying in the undergrowth next to the path

Waste Bins
There's a waste bin overflowing

and one that wants fixing. Both semi circular sides are lying on the burn bank

If the sides are not to be attached to the base bolted to the ground the base should be removed as it is a trip hazard

Litter/Dead Branches
There's some litter and dead branches on the paths, in the pond and on the burn banks. A couple of litter pickers could clear it in 15 minutes
Seat Around Tree

Remove the whole seat for repair or scrapping

General Comments
The whole area is very attractive and would take 3 men and a small open backed vehicle a maximum of, say, three hours to make the area pristine. The bottom Garden of Remembrance area is in reasonable order and the grass is regularly cut. As both World War events have centenaries this year perhaps the area should be scheduled for some special treatment. School children could perhaps be organised to litter pick and tidy this bottom flat area but the tidy up in the pond/dene part would need Council workers

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